Dynamic Gravity: Explaining Electrons, Quarks, Anti-Matter and the Double Slit Experiment


  • Sean Michael Kinney




Neutrino 13.15.+g, Potons, Gravity 04.80.Cc , electrons 14.60.Cd, anti-matter crisis 96.10.+i, absolute zero 81.70.Ha, quark-gluon, 12.38.Mh,Quark models, 12.39.-x, relativistic electron and positron, 41.75.Ht


Purpose: Dynamic Gravity is the only theory of gravity that perfectly calculates gravity, dark energy, and dark matter with the same equation in accordance with all observations ever made in human history. The purpose of this paper is to explain how electrons and quarks are created and how they create anti-matter. And how this all explains the double slit experiment. And with the 3 simple principles that DG is built upon, it has also explained exactly how the rest of the universe must work if DG is correct.

Materials and Methods: Electrons, quarks, neutrinos, and anti-matter are all vortex’s created from different process in the atom. In this paper we will explain exactly what all of these are and how they are created. And we will use this information to resolve the double slit experiment paradox.

Findings: Electrons and Quarks are considered to be single points in space by classic physics, but Quantum Mechanics says its not a point but a wavelength riddled with probabilities. Both are accepted as there is hard evidence of both. But both of these interpretations are wrong.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: In this paper Dynamic Gravity will explain to great detail what the electron’s structure really is; a vortex of EM waves. And how this works explaining the spin of the electron, and additionally how its solves the paradox of the double slit experiment. Recommendations for possible experiments to confirm Dynamic Gravity are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Sean Michael Kinney. (2025). Dynamic Gravity: Explaining Electrons, Quarks, Anti-Matter and the Double Slit Experiment. European Journal of Physical Sciences, 8(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejps.2600


