Explaining Neutrinos and Potons


  • Sean Kinney




Neutrino 13.15.+g, Potons, Gravity 04.80.Cc , electrons 14.60.Cd, anti-matter crisis 96.10.+i, absolute zero 81.70.Ha.


Purpose: Not much is known about neutrinos, they appear to be an outlier of the standard model of particles in that they do not appear to interact with known matter as much as all other particles are known to do. But this is just misunderstanding of physics based off of the false notion that general relativity is correct in explaining the universe any more than its math contribution.

Methodology: I will explain exactly what neutrinos and potons are in this paper according to the reasoning of Dynamic Gravity, the only theory of gravity that can accurately calculate gravity, dark energy, and dark matter perfectly with observation with the same equation.

Findings: The most powerful form of a gravity field would be a gravnetic field created by neutrinos in motion as electrons are in electric magnetic fields. Dynamic Gravity once again rises above all other theories in explaining every single aspect of the universe and physics in a way that all other theories can only dream of. Dynamic Gravity does confidently explain almost every single observation ever made in space and on this planet. In the name of science, proceed cautiously and assume nothing is incontrovertible.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Dynamic Gravity recommends that experiments take place to measure the value G for different sources of gravity other then the sole source of Lead, and assuming that all other materials are the same.


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Kinney, Sean. (2023) Calculating All Dark Energy and Dark Matter Effects through Dynamic Gravity Theory. European Journal of physical Sciences, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp 1-10. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejps.1503

USC University of Southern California. (2018, Jan). Its Cold in Space; But Not as Cold as it Could Be. School of Engineering. https://viterbischool.usc.edu/news/2018/01/cold-space-not-cold/

[Dynamic Gravity]. (2024, June 6). Dynamic Gravity | Deep dive into photons [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF1NV6ZlW00

[Dynamic Gravity]. (2024, June 14). Dynamic Gravity | Neutrinos and Potons [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF1NV6ZlW00




How to Cite

Kinney, S. (2024). Explaining Neutrinos and Potons. European Journal of Physical Sciences, 7(2), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejps.2219


