
  • Mutuku Magdalena Mueni
  • Enos Njeru
  • Edward Mburugu


views, constraints, girls, secondary school, education


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the local members' views of the constraints facing girl's education as compared to that of boys.

Methodology: The sample was drawn from form two, form three and forms four secondary students. Data was generated from both secondary and primary sources. Purposive sampling was applied to get the division and the district in which units of observation have the required characteristics. The three schools in Chuluni division purposively selected were Kaluva Mixed day and boarding secondary school, Mbitini mixed day secondary school and Mbitini girls' secondary school. Snow ball sampling was used to reach girls out of school. The study targeted specific girls within the secondary schools and those who dropped out of school aged between 14-24 years in the last four years. It also targeted, teachers, parents and education officer in the secondary schools in Chuluni Division The tool for data collection was a set of questionnaires specifically designed for the students in and out of school.

Findings: The community members articulated that they perceived education as important for both boys and girls. They also highlighted that girls faced more constraints as compared to boys in the course of their study and therefore boys were favored incases of parental low incomes. These constraints included child labor, baby seating among other household chores. In general, it is evident that parents would like to educate their daughters but they lack means of providing for their education. Kitui district is an ASAL area and many residents are poor and lack meaningful source of livelihood. Therefore as much as they would like to put their children in school, they may lack income to meet their basic needs besides putting their girl child at school.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The government should expand early childhood education, particularly for girls, thus ensuring that more will enter and benefit from secondary schooling. Additionally, it is important to encourage girl-friendly schooling by making sure that schools are good places for girls to be secure, healthy, affirming and encouraging. There should be massive campaigns to rid of stereotypes that show women as the weaker sex. For instance, when designing textbooks and other materials, girls and women should not be shown in limited roles, for instance merely as mothers or providers of food.


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Author Biographies

Mutuku Magdalena Mueni

Post Graduate Student: University Of Nairobi


Enos Njeru

Department of Sociology and Social Work, University Of Nairobi

Edward Mburugu

Department of Sociology and Social Work, University Of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Mueni, M. M., Njeru, E., & Mburugu, E. (2020). LOCAL VIEWS OF THE CONSTRAINTS FACING GIRL’S EDUCATION. European Journal of Gender Studies, 3(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://ajpojournals.org/journals/index.php/EJGS/article/view/584


