Institutionalization of Semi-Formal Local Council Courts and Their Role in Mitigating Gender-Based Violence in Bundibugyo District, Uganda


  • Nansamba Hadijah Mountains of the Moon University and Uganda Management Institute
  • Dr. Stella Kyohairwe Uganda Management Institute
  • Dr. Nyenje Aida Lubwama Uganda Management Institute (UMI), Kampala, Uganda



Purpose: The study assessed the impact of institutionalizing semi-formal Local Council Courts (LCCs) on mitigating gender-based violence (GBV) in Bundibugyo District, Uganda.

Materials and Methods: Grounded in a positivist paradigm, the study employed a quantitative correlation design. Data were collected from 203 officers involved in GBV mitigation in Bundibugyo District using structured questionnaires. Simple random sampling and census techniques were applied. The study adopted an explanatory linear regression analysis, a parametric test aimed at explaining the effect of the independent variable (institutionalization of Semi formal LCCs) on the dependent variable (GBV mitigation). Conventional regression (p-value = 0.05) was used as a basis to interpret the findings, where a computed value was above the p-value which indicated an insignificant effect.

Findings: Statistical analysis revealed that institutionalizing LCCs contributed 10.3% to GBV mitigation (R² = .103). However, the effect was statistically insignificant (p = .074; p > 0.05), confirming the hypothesis that institutionalization had no significant impact on GBV mitigation. Key challenges included limited legal awareness among local council leaders, fear of retribution, and societal normalization of GBV, which hindered the courts' effectiveness. While LCCs offered some contribution to GBV mitigation, their overall impact was minimal.

Implications to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The study underscores the limited efficacy of semi-formal justice mechanisms in mitigating GBV, highlighting the need to bridge the gap between informal and formal systems. Practical recommendations include enhancing the capacity of local council leaders, strengthening legal frameworks, and addressing societal norms to improve the effectiveness of LCCs in mitigating GBV. These findings have significant implications for policy and practice, particularly in designing more integrative and community-focused approaches to GBV mitigation.


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How to Cite

Hadijah, N., Kyohairwe, D. S., & Lubwama, D. N. A. (2025). Institutionalization of Semi-Formal Local Council Courts and Their Role in Mitigating Gender-Based Violence in Bundibugyo District, Uganda. European Journal of Gender Studies, 7(1), 36–65.


