Terrorism and Banditry: Implications for Nigeria's Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
Terrorism, Banditry, Nigeria, Sovereignty, Territorial IntegrityAbstract
Purpose: This research examines the implications of terrorism and banditry on Nigeria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Methodology: Employing a content analysis approach and drawing from qualitative data from secondary sources, the study highlights the extensive ramifications of terrorism and banditry, encompassing loss of lives and property, displacement of people, economic disruption, damage to Nigeria's reputation, and political instability. The research underscores the urgency for the Nigerian government to take decisive action in addressing these challenges, fostering economic growth, rebuilding investor trust, and enhancing the country's image.
Findings: The research findings hold practical implications for policymakers and security agencies, urging a unified and comprehensive approach in confronting terrorism and banditry in Nigeria. The research underscores the significance of addressing the psychological impact on affected individuals by providing essential mental health support, facilitating their recovery, and fostering social cohesion. The Realist theory guides the study, emphasizing the prioritization of state security and interests in an anarchic international system, offering valuable insights into comprehending the implications of terrorism and banditry on Nigeria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Recommendations: To effectively combat terrorism and banditry, the study recommends reinforcing national security through increased funding, improved intelligence gathering and addressing socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality through targeted policies. Emphasizing international cooperation and strengthening governance and accountability are identified as vital aspects in combating the cross-border nature of these threats. The recommended strategies offer a roadmap to effectively combat these security challenges, safeguarding Nigeria's stability, peace, and economic prosperity. By implementing these measures, practitioners can work towards restoring the nation's security, rebuilding confidence, and enhancing its position in the international community.
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