Conditions Responsible for Meat Condemnations in Cattle Slaughtered in Bugesera, Gicumbi and Rwamagana districts of Rwanda
Condemnation, Meat inspection, Organs, Post-mortem, Slaughterhouses.Abstract
Introduction: Records obtained from slaughterhouses on the causes of meat condemnation is vital in contributing to the surveillance of disease prevalence and for promoting food security by protecting the community from consuming infected or unhygienic meat.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of conditions that lead to organs and/or carcass condemnation.
Methodology: A retrospective study design was used to collect data by using a structured questionnaire. The study reviewed three years (October 2018 to October 2021) postmortem inspection records of cattle slaughtered at abattoirs located in Bugesera, Gicumbi, and Rwamagana districts of Rwanda.
Findings: Of the 9256 cattle slaughtered, 26.3% had at least one condition leading to total condemnation of organs or carcasses. The results of the study also revealed that the fasciolosis was the main cause of the liver (41.1%, 90.0%, and 65.5%) condemnation in the three districts respectively, while the kidney (4.7%, 0.8%, and 6.4%) was condemned due to urinary calculi. The leading causes of condemnation of lungs and intestine were insufficient bleeding (50.1%) and pimply gut (0.7%), respectively. In decreasing order of probability of being more prevalent, the top four conditions were: fasciolosis (9.2%), insufficient bleeding (3.2%), urinary calculi (0.9%), and hydronephrosis (0.6%).
Recommendations: These results highlight the need for improved meat inspection practices at abattoirs, awareness of stakeholders involved in cattle trading value chain, and implementing control and prevention measures against these conditions. This will help improving meat safety at abattoirs while ensuring food security and profitability of meat value chain.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bertine Dukundane, Josiane Uyisenga, Patrick Rugwiro, Aphrodis Tuyishimire, Isaac Mubashankwaya, Fabrice Munyandamutsa, Jean Claude Abijuru, Pascal Nyabinwa

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