Effect of Digitalization on Logistics Performance among Logistics Related Companies in Cameroon


  • Ngangwa Dorian Ntule PhD Scholar in Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences-University of Bamenda, Cameroon
  • Ongo Nkoa Bruno Emmanuel Associate Professor of Economics and Director of Research Center of Economics and Management, Faculty of Science, Economics and Management, University of Yaounde II
  • Fuein Vera Lecturer in Economics and Head of Department for Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, University of Bamenda, Cameroon




Purpose: This paper explores the impact of Digitalisation (Technology adoption, Digital skills and digital infrastructure) on Logistics Performance among Logistics Related Companies in Cameroon.

Materials and Methods: From over 600 accredited logistics related companies in Cameroon, 234 were extracted based on the Krejcie and Morgan sample size table using the purposive sampling technique based on cross-sectional data from questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the Ordinary Least Squares.

Findings: The findings revealed that Technology adoption (TA), digital skills (DS) show a significant positive influence on logistics performance while digital infrastructure (DI) has an insignificant positive influence on logistics performance. The control variables of experience of respondents (Esp), and company size (Comsize) all insignificantly influence logistics performance.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: This study recommends Organizations to focus on increasing technology adoption (TA) and implement cutting-edge technologies, such as Internet of things and automation, leverage the findings related to digital skills (DS) and recognize the critical role of a digitally skilled workforce in driving logistics performance. Investing in training programs and fostering a culture of continuous learning will contribute to workforce readiness for digital advancements. By understanding the specific relationship between digitization efforts and logistics performance outcomes as per this study, stakeholders would assist logistics related companies in Cameroon in making informed decisions regarding their digitization strategies. The study provides practical recommendations for logistics companies in Cameroon on how to effectively implement digitalization strategies, such as leveraging technology for real-time tracking, automation, and data analysis to improve efficiency and reduce costs and some Best Practices for Digitalization in Logistics.


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How to Cite

Ntule, N. D., Emmanuel, O. N. B., & Vera, F. (2024). Effect of Digitalization on Logistics Performance among Logistics Related Companies in Cameroon. American Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajscm.2099


