The Evolving Role of Social Media in Public Relations in East African Countries


  • Dr. Park Jimin Public Relations Department, The University of Nairobi, Kenya



Social Media PR Evolution, Digital Transformation PR, Social Media Impact, Changing PR Strategies, Communication Trends


Purpose: The aim of this paper was to explore how social media platforms have transformed the landscape of public relations, examining best practices, challenges, and case studies.

Methodology: The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low-cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive's time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.

Findings: The findings revealed that there exists a contextual and methodological gap relating to the evolving role of social media in public relations in east African countries. Preliminary empirical review revealed that organizations utilize social media for crisis communication in the digital age. Organizations increasingly use social media platforms during crises to provide real-time updates, address concerns, and engage with stakeholders. However, challenges arise in managing misinformation and maintaining consistent messaging across platforms.

Recommendations: Social Identity Theory, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Dialogic Communication Theory may be used to anchor future studies on the evolving role of social media in public relations. PR practitioners should stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-changing landscape of social media. This includes familiarizing themselves with emerging platforms and understanding their unique functionalities. Maintaining a consistent brand voice and messaging across various social media channels is highlighted as essential for building a coherent and recognizable brand image. Thirdly, the study suggests harnessing the power of data analytics to monitor and measure the impact of social media campaigns, enabling PR professionals to make informed decisions and refine their strategies. Furthermore, cultivating authentic and transparent interactions with the audience and addressing negative sentiment are all deemed vital for maintaining credibility and trust in the digital realm


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How to Cite

Jimin, D. P. . (2023). The Evolving Role of Social Media in Public Relations in East African Countries. American Journal of Public Relations, 2(1), 10–19.