ISSUES, QUESTIONS AND COMMENTARIES IN; Origins of Policy, Theories of Policy Cycle, Qualitative - Interpretive Methods in Policy Research, Deliberative Policy Analysis, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Managing Policy Networks, Advocacy Coalition Framework, Managing the Commons and Policy Decision-Making


  • Andrew Shangarai Jumanne Kenyatta University
  • Stanley Motieri Ontiri
  • Dr. Wilson Muna (PhD) Kenyatta University



Origins of Policy, Theories of Policy Cycle, Qualitative - Interpretive Methods in Policy Research, Deliberative Policy Analysis, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Managing Policy Networks, Advocacy Coalition Framework, Managing the Commons, Policy Decision-Makin



Origins of Policy, Theories of Policy Cycle, Qualitative - Interpretive Methods in Policy Research, Deliberative Policy Analysis, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Managing Policy Networks, Advocacy Coalition Framework, Managing the Commons and Policy Decision-Making


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Author Biographies

Andrew Shangarai Jumanne, Kenyatta University

PhD. Candidate, (Public Policy and Management)Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University

Stanley Motieri Ontiri


PhD. Candidate, (Public Policy and Management)

Department of Public Policy and Administration,Kenyatta University



Dr. Wilson Muna (PhD), Kenyatta University


 Department of Public Policy and Administration




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How to Cite

Jumanne, A. S., Ontiri, S. M., & Muna (PhD), D. W. (2019). ISSUES, QUESTIONS AND COMMENTARIES IN; Origins of Policy, Theories of Policy Cycle, Qualitative - Interpretive Methods in Policy Research, Deliberative Policy Analysis, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Managing Policy Networks, Advocacy Coalition Framework, Managing the Commons and Policy Decision-Making. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 4(1).


