
  • Andrew Shangarai Jumanne Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Jane Njoroge (PhD) Kenyatta University



Cultural change, organizational change, employee performance


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine effect of Cultural Change Management on performance of employees of the Parliamentary Service Commission in Kenya. 

Methodology: The study employed descriptive research design. The target population was all the 914 employees of the Parliamentary Service Commission (PARLSCOM) in Kenya on permanent and pensionable terms. The study used stratified and simple random sampling techniques to draw a sample of 91 employees from the target study population.  Self-administered questionnaire and interview guides were used to collect primary. Secondary data was obtained from PARLSCOM's annual reports, government publications and earlier research.  Reliability of the instruments was tested using Cronbach's alpha reliability where Cronbach's alpha of 0.94 was obtained which was greater than 0.7 which implied that the instrument had a high level of internal consistency. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize data while inferential statistics, specifically multiple linear regression was used to test hypotheses. The analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2013 Analysis ToolPak. 

Findings: The results indicated that Cultural Change Management has a positive significant effect on performance of employees. Cultural Change Management was found to play a large role in determining whether the organization is a happy and healthy environment for employees to work in. 

Unique Contribution to policy and practice. The study recommends Human Resource managers should ensure that the organization has same norms and value as those employees in order to increase employees' performance towards achieving the overall organization goals


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Author Biographies

Andrew Shangarai Jumanne, Kenyatta University

PhD Candidate: Department of Public Policy and Administration

Dr. Jane Njoroge (PhD), Kenyatta University

Lecturer:  Department of Public Policy and Administration


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How to Cite

Jumanne, A. S., & Njoroge (PhD), D. J. (2019). CULTURAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY SERVICE COMMISSION IN KENYA. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 4(1).


