
  • ZIPHORAH MULIMI KINGOO Kenyatta University
  • Dr Jane Njoroge (PhD) Kenyatta University




Training, Performance, National Police Service


Purpose: the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of training on the performance of national police service. A case study of general service unit, Nairobi.

Methodology: This study was informed by Disconfirmation theory and V'room expectancy theory Survey design was utilized to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from respondents. The site of the study was General Service Unit Headquarters - Ruaraka in Nairobi County in Kenya whereby primary data was collected from 400 officers of various ranks. From the population of the study, the researcher used systematic random sampling to select 400 out of the 4000 officers of various ranks from General Service Unit Headquarters in Ruaraka.  Data was collected by the use of tools such as a structured questionnaire containing open and closed ended questions and an interview guide. The collected quantitative data in form of the completed questionnaires was analyzed using Microsoft excel. Qualitative data underwent content analysis.

Findings: The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between training and the performance of police officers in Kenya.

Distinctive contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended the national police service to improve on service quality dimensions, strengthen systems and processes and also intensify training for staff at the national police service.


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Author Biographies


Postgraduate Student

Dr Jane Njoroge (PhD), Kenyatta University


Department of Public Policy, (MPPA)


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How to Cite

KINGOO, Z. M., & Njoroge (PhD), D. J. (2019). EFFECTS OF TRAINING ON PERFOMANCE IN NATIONAL POLICE SERVICE IN KENYA: CASE OF GENERAL SERVICE UNIT OFFICERS NAIROBI. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.47672/ajppa.391


