Human Resource Management Practices, Knowledge Sharing, and Emotional Intelligence of Unit Heads: A Causal Model on Organizational Resilience in Government Agencies in Davao Region
Organizational Resilience, Government Employees, Human Resource Management Practices, Knowledge Sharing, Emotional IntelligenceAbstract
Purpose: Organizational resilience is a prime concern among organizations, to respond and recover from challenging events. If organizations lack resilience, they may not be able to serve the public. Essentially, this study aimed to review empirical evidence on how organizational resilience is affected by variables in the context of accredited government agencies under the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) of the Civil Service Commission in Davao Region.
Methodology: Two hundred government employees participated in the survey, selected through stratified sampling. The survey questionnaire used was validated and approved by experts. Data were collected through manual accomplishment by some respondents, while the rest was accomplished through google form. This study utilized a quantitative research design and employed the descriptive-causal method. The data analysis applied were mean, Pearson r, multiple regression, and the structural equation model. It was done using the IBM SPSS.
Findings: Results revealed that the unit heads have very high levels of human resource management practices, knowledge sharing, emotional intelligence, and organizational resilience. A significant relationship exists between the exogenous latent variables and the endogenous latent variable. When regressed, only human resource management practices (HRMP) and emotional intelligence, including its manifest variables, revealed to be the best predictors of organizational resilience. The structural equation modeling showed that model 5 is best fit for organizational resilience in the context of government agencies. It was found in the model that human resource management practices, knowledge sharing, and emotional intelligence have a positive impact on organizational resilience. Indeed, the findings of this study have implications for human resource management in public and even private organizations.
Recommendations: The CSC as a learning institution may introduce learning sessions on organizational resilience for leaders which may give them more exposure to resilience strategies. There is a need to continuously and seriously implement PRIME-HRM to strengthen organizational resilience. There is also a need to evaluate to identify potential threats and challenges that may affect the organization by conducting organizational resilience survey.
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