Features of various posterior cranial fossa tumors on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and their correlation with histopathological diagnosis
Purpose: To evaluate the features of various posterior cranial fossa tumors on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and correlate the MR diagnosis with histopathological diagnosis.
Methodology: The MRI evaluation of patients clinically presenting with nonspecific symptoms of raised intracranial pressure was done. The MR imaging protocol included: T1W, T2W, FLAIR and post Gd T1W FS. The MRI diagnosis was correlated with histopathological diagnosis. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out in the present study.
Findings: Histopathological confirmation was obtained in 38 of 46 cases. The eight patients in whom histopathologic examination was not obtained included four cases of metastasis and four cases of pontine glioma. In metastases, the primary was known. In pontine gliomas the characteristic MR findings were present and due to increased frequency of complications the risky biopsy in this area was not performed.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy (recommendations): The MR imaging diagnosis was found to correlate with the histopathologic diagnosis in most instances. MR imaging was found to be highly sensitive in evaluating tumor related complications. MRI showed the full extent of the tumor and involvement of the surrounding tissues, thus helping in the management of tumors. Hence it is recommended to perform MRI in cases of increased intracranial hypertension to make early and accurate diagnosis possible and hence improve the patient management.
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