Nurse, Career development, Turnover intentionAbstract
Purpose: The aim of the study was to identify factors affecting nurses' career development and its relation to turnover intention.
Methodology: Correlation comparative research design was done to fulfill the aim of this study. The study was conducted at Assiut university Hospitals and Minia university Hospitals. A representative sample 50% from staff nurses at Assiut university Hospitals and Minia university Hospitals (n=938). Two tools was used for collecting data for this study, career Development Questionnaire and Modified Anticipated Turnover Scale (ATS).
Results: Affirmed that the majority of staff nurses at the Assiut university hospitals had the highest percentage regarding factors affecting career development, and had the lowest percentage regarding turnover intention than the staff nurses at Minia university hospital.
Conclusion: There were negative correlations between factors affecting nurses' career development and turnover intention among Assiut staff nurses. While, there were positive correlations between factors affecting nurses' career development and turnover intention among Minia staff nurse.
Recommendation: Administrative authority should provide support and resources, in-services training programs; opportunities to upgrade career development; and develop effective strategies to improve the staff nurses satisfaction and reduce their intention to leave.Downloads
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