Webbed Neck Correction using M to T Rearrangement flap: A Case Report


  • Eze Chinonso Blessing National Orthopaedic Hospital
  • Okwara, Blasius Okechukwu University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital




Purpose: Web neck is a congenital anomaly characterized by a fibrotic band giving the neck a web-like appearance. It is unsightly and oftentimes, makes the patient to be emotionally and socially withdrawn. The aim of this work is to show that M to T rearrangement technique is an effective method for correcting webbed neck which in turn gives excellent functional and aesthetic results.

Materials and Methods: This is a case report of a patient with web neck corrected using the M to T plasty.

Findings: The webbed neck was completely corrected using the M to T flaps and patient had highest level of satisfaction on the Likert scale. The M to T rearrangement technique is an effective method for correcting webbed neck. It is an easily understood method which can be use by young surgeons.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: This method should be used more often in correcting web neck


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How to Cite

Blessing, E. C., & Okwara, B. O. (2025). Webbed Neck Correction using M to T Rearrangement flap: A Case Report. American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 11(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajhmn.2614


