Analysis and Risk Assessment of Insulin-Potentiating Elements in Addua (Balanites Aegyptiaca) Leaf, Seed and Bark.
Diabetes, elements, risk assessment, average daily intake, target hazard quotient, carcinogenic.Abstract
Purpose: This study investigated certain trace elements having therapeutic properties related to diabetes mellitus and to look into the health risk assessment of the elements. The investigated samples were the bark, leaf and seed of Balanites aegyptiaca, desert date (Addua). These plants are traditionally used in the management of diabetes in Eritrea, Egypt, and Ethiopia.
Methodology: The elemental analysis was conducted using Flame Emission Photometer and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) techniques. The accuracy of the methods was verified using in-house reference materials (CRMs) and no significant differences were observed between the measured and certified values.
Findings: The analysis displayed variable concentrations of the different trace elements found to be in the permissible limit defined by WHO. The metals are in the order of decreasing concentrations in the bark sample K > Ca > Mg > Co > Fe > Cu > Zn > Mn. In the leaf, the ranking order is K > Ca > Mg > Fe > Zn > Mn. The seed sample appeared in the order K > Ca > Mg > Fe > Zn > Mn. The THQ for the non-carcinogenic risk were all < 1 for all metals and the various exposure pathways. The trend is same for HI for both children and adults. This is a pointer to the fact that no immediate danger due to presence of potential carcinogens. Furthermore, the study revealed the order of pathway in the following decreasing order HIingestion > HIdermal > HIinhalation and most of all, the HI values for adults generally higher than that of the children. However, this suggests that adults are at greater risks of and could be more susceptible to potential carcinogenic risk from continual exposure.
Recommendation: The findings calls for concern on the regular use of some of the infusion from this plant.
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