Perception of Local Population of Manda National Park (Chad) on use of Vultures and the Impact of their Activities on the Conservation of Species
Perception, impact, human activity, vulture, conservation, MandaAbstract
Purpose: This study aimed at analysing the perceptions of the local population and the impact of their activities on the conservation of vultures.
Methodology: This study was conducted at the periphery of Manda National Park (MNP) in the province of Moyen-Chari, in southern Chad. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered in 24 villages and involving 300 people belonging to 7 different ethnic groups (Sara, Gouleye, Mbaye, Ndaye, Ngambaye, Peul and Sarakaba). A stratified random sampling was carried out for this purpose. Chi-square test was used to compare the different levels of local population perception.
Findings: This study found that six (6) species of vultures were encountered in the study area, all belonging to the family Accipitridae, Order Accipitriformes with a predominance of Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus (52.33%). Agricultural (70.32%), logging (24.4%) and pastoral (19.32%) practices were mainly prevalent in the local populations. The main threats to vulture populations in the study area include: food scarcity (95%), deforestation (57.33%), poaching (9.33%), use of vultures in the tradition (fetishes, cultural events) (7.66%) and the consumption of vultures (7%).
Contribution to theory and practice: This study made it possible to show the attachment of the population bordering the MNP to certain species of vultures in particular the white-headed vulture, Trigonoceps occipitalis and N. monachus of the study area through the totem, the myths and other clan or religious prohibitions; a factor that contributes to good human-bird cohabitation. This study also made it possible to assess the impact of human activities on vultures and offers opportunities to improve vulture conservation methods by involving local populations in conservation plans. The local populations of the PNM should be sensitized by the authorities in charge of wildlife management, on the importance of vultures in cleaning the environment, essential for health, and on the ecological importance of this taxon.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ghislain No Kougoum Piebeng, Gilbert Zechia Mofor, Simon Awafor Tamungang, Djekadjim Djekillamber, Wangsang Daksala, Muhammad Bilal, Alexis Teguia

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