
  • Patrick Kiongo



Career decision, Environment, Opportunity, Organizational factors, Personality


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of career change in rural schools. The study was based on the theory of occupational choice and career typology theory. From the context of the theories, the underlying determinants under investigation were categorized into environmental, organizational and individual factors.

Methodology:  The study applied both inferential and descriptive survey research.  Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to identify one hundred forty-seven (147) respondents from a study population of 1,555 teachers distributed in one hundred eighty-two public schools.  The study used questionnaire as key instrument to acquire primary data while desk review of reports and publications was applied for secondary data.

Findings: The study revealed that 55% of the respondents harbored plans to switch to other career later in life with individuality factors being the most significant compared to environmental and organizational factors which ranked second and third respectively.

Unique Contribution to Practice and Policy: Educational institutions should therefore strive to achieve a sustainable balance between the teacher intrinsic and extrinsic influences in management of teacher career change. The findings of this study will illuminate policy assumptions behind different strategies used in efforts to alleviate problems associated with teacher's career change in rural areas. In addition, the affected teachers will have a common understanding of challenges affecting them and have a common voice in articulating their issues for policy consideration.


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Author Biography

Patrick Kiongo


Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Management, KENYATTA UNIVERSITY, NAIROBI, KENYA



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How to Cite

Kiongo, P. (2020). DETERMINANTS OF CAREER CHANGE AMONG TEACHERS IN RURAL KENYA: THE CASE OF TANA RIVER COUNTY. American Journal of Education and Practice, 4(1), 1–35.


