The Perceptions of School Counsellors about Their Training and Its Influence on Their Practice in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Cameroon


  • Tantoh Mengwi Claudine Faculty of Education, Department of Counselling Psychology, Option, School Counselling



Perceptions, School Counsellors, Training, Practice, Secondary Schools, Mezam, Mfoundi Divisions


Purpose: The purpose of this research was to examine the perceptions of school counsellors about their training and its influence on practice in selected public secondary schools in Cameroon. The study aimed at examining the effects of counsellors’ perceptions on practice.

Materials and Methods: The concurrent nested mixed-method research design was used. Quantitative data was collected through descriptive survey with the aid of a questionnaire while qualitative data was collected using an interview guide. A sample of 249 randomly selected school counsellors were recruited from secondary schools in Mezam and Mfoundi Divisions of Cameroon.

Findings: Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools; frequency counts, graphs, percentages and the Pearson test and regression analysis was used to test hypotheses. Thematic analysis with the aid of themes and quotations was used for qualitative data. Findings showed a positive and strong influence between counsellors’ perceptions of training and their practice (R-value=0.637**, P-value=0.000<0.05). Implications are that the quality of training being offered to counsellors be intensified and improved.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: It was recommended that school counsellors be trained to be multiskilled, the training be intensified with emphasis on practicum; appropriate and adequate programs are organized and appropriately delivered by those who master the content at divisional and regional levels for counsellors to upgrade their skills.


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How to Cite

Claudine, T. M. (2024). The Perceptions of School Counsellors about Their Training and Its Influence on Their Practice in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Cameroon. American Journal of Education and Practice, 8(5), 30–65.


