The Effects of COVID-19 on Public Secondary Schools Operating in Various Economic Environments. A Case Study of Schools in Metros South and Central Schools, Western Cape


  • Anthea Hurling Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Professor Harry Ballard Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Althea Whitaker Cape Peninsula University of Technology



Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on public secondary schools operating in various economic environments for schools in Metros South and Central Schools, Western Cape.

Materials and Methods: The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining semi-structured interviews and structured questionnaires, to explore the impact of COVID-19 on public secondary schools from the perspectives of principals, teachers, learners, and parents. The data analysis involved qualitative coding and quantitative statistical analysis, while addressing ethical considerations throughout the process.

Findings: The study found that School A in the economically disadvantaged Metro South area experienced higher losses of relatives, friends, and income due to COVID-19, compared to a school in Metro Central. School A also faced greater disruptions to sociocultural practices like school closures and outdoor restrictions, highlighting the pandemic's disproportionate impact on disadvantaged communities.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study contributes to Transactional Distance Theory and Self-Regulated Learning Theory by showing how COVID-19 disruptions disproportionately impacted disadvantaged schools' ability to bridge distances and support self-regulation. For practice and policy, it highlights the need for targeted interventions and equitable resource allocation addressing systemic inequalities in South Africa's education system.



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How to Cite

Hurling, A., Ballard, P. H., & Whitaker, A. (2024). The Effects of COVID-19 on Public Secondary Schools Operating in Various Economic Environments. A Case Study of Schools in Metros South and Central Schools, Western Cape. American Journal of Education and Practice, 8(5), 18–29.


