Design of a frequency reconfigurable rectangular patch antenna for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi application


  • Alain François Kuate
  • Paulin Nembot Tchueguem
  • Jean-François D. Essiben



Patch antenna, reconfigurable antenna, reflection coefficient, radiation pattern.


Purpose: This paper presents the design and analysis of rectangular patch antenna that can be reconfigured in frequency for the three non-overlapping channels of the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.

Methodology: To achieve this, a patch model in which four Pin diodes are introduced into the radiating structure, two operating in switching (ON / OFF) and two others kept blocked throughout operation has been proposed. By using as radiating element a copper hob placed on a substrate of the FR4_Epoxy type. The so-called CST Microwave Studio simulation software was used to simulate the design antenna.

Findings: It was shown that this rectangular patch antenna resonates at the center frequencies of channels 1 (2.412GHz); 6 (2.437 GHz) and 11 (2.462 GH) with an almost uniform radiation pattern for different diode configurations.

Recommendations: To improve the performance of this reconfigurable frequency patch antenna, future research must be based on optimizing the radiation parameters for configurations where one of the diodes is ON and the other is blocked.


Author Biographies

Alain François Kuate

Department of Electrical Engineering, Advanced Teachers, Training College for Technical Education, Laboratory of Technologies and Applied Sciences (LTSA), University of Douala, B.P. 1872, Douala, Cameroon

Paulin Nembot Tchueguem

Department of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Automation and Applied Informatics (LAIA), B.P. 134 Bandjoun, Cameroon

Jean-François D. Essiben

Department of Electrical Engineering, Advanced Teachers, Training College for Technical Education, Laboratory of Technologies and Applied Sciences (LTSA), University of Douala, B.P. 1872, Douala, Cameroon


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How to Cite

Kuate, A. F. ., Tchueguem, P. N. ., & Essiben, J.-F. D. . (2021). Design of a frequency reconfigurable rectangular patch antenna for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi application. American Journal of Computing and Engineering, 4(2), 10–20.


