Optimising Product Enhancements Strategic Approaches to Managing Complexity
Purpose: This paper examines the strategic importance of product enhancements in competitive global markets. This research addresses the dual characteristics of product enhancement strategies by examining their incremental and transformational aspects. This research explores challenges because product development complexity increases due to advancing technology and pressing stakeholder needs along with reducing product lifespan durations.
Materials and Methods: The paper takes a conceptual approach, analyzing complexities in product development and reviewing tools such as Agile methodologies, PLM systems, modular design, and additive manufacturing. The study investigates customer insights alongside market trend analysis while exploring advanced technologies to tackle these challenges in the delivery sector.
Findings: Enhancements drive competitiveness, but complexities arise from rapid technology changes and demands. Tools like Agile and modular design improve processes, while customer insights foster innovation. Recommendations: Adopt Agile and PLM tools, leverage modular design, use customer feedback, and invest in sustainable, technology-driven solutions to balance innovation with efficiency.
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