Augmented Reality in Education: A Review of Learning Outcomes and Pedagogical Implications
Augmented Reality (AR) [0069, 0084, 0105], Technology [0020, 0051], Education [0010, 0050], Benefits [0028, 0035], Systematic Review [0033, 0044], Trends AR [0077, 0099], Personalization [0056, 0067], AR [0073], Educational Application [0032, 0046]Abstract
Purpose: The use of technology in education can either engage students actively, fostering motivation and effective learning, or result in passive learning if it fails to encourage critical thinking, meaning making, and metacognition.
Materials and Methods: This concept paper conducts a comprehensive review of research on the potential of augmented reality (AR) in education. It systematically examines AR applications in various academic fields, comparing them to traditional educational technologies and teaching methods.
Findings: Augmented reality (AR) exhibits significant potential to revolutionize education by transforming the learning process into a more active, effective, and meaningful experience. AR accomplishes this by providing advanced technology that allows users to interact with virtual and real-time applications, thereby immersing them in realistic educational scenarios. Across a spectrum of subjects, including Medicine, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Biology, Astronomy, and History, AR offers advantages over conventional technology and traditional teaching methods.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The research underscores the positive potential of AR in education and highlights its capacity to bridge the gap between technology and active, engaged learning. To fully harness these benefits, educators and researchers should address the identified limitations of AR and explore its further integration into educational practices. This paper emphasizes the need for ongoing research and innovation to optimize AR's role in education and enhance learning outcomes. Future research endeavors should concentrate on refining the implementation of AR for optimal educational impact.
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