Nutrient Digestibility Coefficient of West African Dwarf Goat Fed Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum) Ensiled with Varying Levels of Cassava Peel and Brewers Dried Grain.
Elephant grass, WAD goats, Cassava peel, Brewers Dried grain, Silage.Abstract
Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the digestibility of West African Dwarf (WAD) goats offered Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) ensiled with varying levels of Cassava peel (CP) and Brewers dried grain (BDG).
Methodology: Eighteen West African Dwarf (WAD) goats were used for the study. The goats were randomly assigned to six dietary treatments namely; T1 (100% Elephant grass); T2 (60% Elephant grass + 0% CP + 40% BDG); T3 (60% Elephant grass + 10% CP + 30% BDG); T4 (60% Elephant grass + 20% CP + 20% BDG); T5 (60% Elephant grass + 30% CP + 10% BDG) and T6 (60% Elephant grass + 40% CP + 0% BDG) in a completely randomized design.
Findings: Data collected revealed significant difference (p<0.05) in all the chemical composition parameters except for ether extract. The highest DM (51.80%), CP (18.20%), and EE (3.85%) were observed among animals exposed to T2 diet, NDF (64.25%) and ADF (32.33%) were observed among animals in diet T1. There was no significant differences (p>0.05) in all the nutrient digestibility parameters except for the crude protein and acid detergent lignin. Animals fed T2 diet had the highest DM (70.76%) and CP digestibility (76.16%), while highest NDF (65.39%) and ADL (59.51%) were recorded in animals fed T1. There were significant difference (p>0.05) among the nitrogen utilization variables observed except feacal and urinary nitrogen output. Goats fed T2 recorded the highest nitrogen retention (95.55%).
Recommendation: It can be recommended that Elephant grass ensiled with cassava peel and brewers dried grain can be used as potential sources of supplementing ruminant feeding most especially during the dry season as it enhanced nutrient digestibility and utilization
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