Impact of Temperature on the Solubility of Ionic Compounds in Water in Cameroon


  • Sarah Nwanak University of Yaoundé I



Temperature, Ionic compounds, Solubility ,Water


Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess impact of temperature on the solubility of ionic compounds in water in Cameroon.

Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of its low cost advantage as compared to field research. Our current study looked into already published studies and reports as the data was easily accessed through online journals and libraries.

Findings: The study found that the solubility of most ionic compounds increases with an increase in temperature. This is because higher temperatures provide more kinetic energy to the ions, helping them to break free from the crystal lattice and dissolve in water. For example, the solubility of salts like potassium nitrate (KNO3) significantly increases as the temperature rises, allowing more of the compound to dissolve. However, this trend is not universal for all ionic compounds. Some, such as calcium sulfate (CaSO4), exhibit a decrease in solubility with rising temperature. This anomaly can be attributed to the exothermic nature of the dissolution process for these compounds, where heat is released when they dissolve. As temperature increases, the equilibrium shifts to favor the solid form, reducing solubility. Therefore, while temperature generally enhances the solubility of ionic compounds in water, specific behaviors can vary depending on the individual compound's dissolution characteristics and thermodynamic properties.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Le Chatelier’s principle, Arrhenius theory of dissociation and solubility product constant (KSP) theory may be used to anchor future studies on assessing impact of temperature on the solubility of ionic compounds in water in Cameroon. Practical applications of temperature-dependent solubility data should be integrated into industrial processes, particularly in fields such as pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, and desalination. Policymakers should consider incorporating temperature-dependent solubility data into environmental regulations, particularly concerning water pollution and waste management.


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How to Cite

Nwanak, S. (2024). Impact of Temperature on the Solubility of Ionic Compounds in Water in Cameroon. Journal of Chemistry, 3(2), 42–51.


