
  • Rabiu Mohammed
  • Dr Mariama Zakari



Impulsive Buying, E-commerce Adoption, Behavior, Ghana, Platform


Purpose: This study concentrated on the adoption of e-commerce platforms base on impulsive buying behavior, using technology for sustainable development of governments' institutions, small medium enterprises and individual consumers or customers in Ghana.

Methodology: The research adopted quantitative approach design and primary data were collected based on survey questionnaire and respondent were selected using non- probability sampling technique where respondent is selected based on convenience sampling technique. The focus of this research was on the buyer (the individual who is involved in any buying and selling of goods over the internet). The theoretical deduced model fit is tested using survey data obtained from five hundred (500) respondents of E-commerce adoption platform in Ghana.

Findings: Findings revealed that the model for this study is not a very good fit to describe the factors affecting the behavioral intention to adopt e-commerce in Ghana.


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Author Biographies

Rabiu Mohammed

Department of Marketing

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


Dr Mariama Zakari

Department of Marketing

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology



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How to Cite

Mohammed, R., & Zakari, M. (2021). THE STUDY OF ADOPTING ECOMMERCE PLATFORMS IN GHANA BASED ON IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR THEORY. International Journal of Business Strategies, 6(2), 1–13.


