managerial style, employee turnover, job security, organisational culture, organisational climateAbstract
Purpose: The study examined the effect of firm's internal environment drivers: managerial style; employee motivation; job security; organisational culture; organisational climate; remuneration/ compensation on employees' turnover intention in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Cross River State, Nigeria.
Methodology: The study adopted the cross sectional survey research design, while the two-stage sampling procedure involving simple random and judgmental sampling techniques was used in selecting the element. The Ordinary Least Square regression statistical technique was utilised in the test of research hypotheses.
Results: The study established that the firm's internal environment drivers, all have an inverse significant influence on employee turnover intention in SMEs.
Policy Recommendations: The study recommended that managers should espouse managerial styles that promote work freedom, autonomy, delegation and builds group team spirit in order to foster work harmony and employee commitment. Employment hires should be governed by formal contracts mutually agreed upon between the employer and employee. Management should provide incentives and opportunity where highly goal oriented employees could be co-opted as co-owner of the firm over the years and have the privilege/right to the share in the end of year contract bonus or profit, as this would build a strong sense of employee's commitment and job security.
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