
  • Paul Wambua Kavulya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Prof. Willy Muturi Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Gladys Rotich Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Kennedy Ogollah University of Nairobi




customer focus strategy, performance, SACCOs


Purpose: To examine the effect of customer focus strategy on the Performance of SACCOs in Kenya

Methodology: The study was a cross-sectional survey with a descriptive research design. This design is appropriate because it is considered suitable for gathering information and generating appropriate conclusions with respect to the research questions. The target population of this study was the 181 authorized deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya that have been in existence for at least the last 5 years SASRA (2014). The firms which have been there for 5 years are considered to have adequate knowledge and have deposit mobilization strategies in place. The number of respondents was 181 CEOs and Business development managers, who are in charge of strategies. The study used questionnaires as the main data collection instrument that contained both open and closed ended questions. Questionnaires were preferred because they are effective data collection instruments that allow respondents to give much of their opinions pertaining to the research problem. Primary data was collected through administering of questionnaires to Members of the SACCOs, senior staff of the SACCOs and Cooperative Ministry/regulatory officials. The study employed descriptive analysis technique on the collected data. Multiple regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.  Results were presented using frequency tables and figures.

Results: Correlation analysis showed that customer focus strategy and performance of Saccos are positively and significantly associated. Regression analysis indicated that customer focus strategy has a positive and significant effect on performance of Saccos in Kenya. The hypotheses results indicated that there is a significant relationship between customer focus strategy and performance of Saccos in Kenya.



Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that Saccos should ensure that they provide quality services to customers. This will create customer confidence in the firms' ability to deliver. Further, it was recommended that the firms should develop a friendly customer-management relationship. In addition, the firms should adjust their pricing to ensure that they charge their customers reasonable charges.


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Author Biographies

Paul Wambua Kavulya, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Post Graduate Student

Prof. Willy Muturi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Dr. Gladys Rotich, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Dr. Kennedy Ogollah, University of Nairobi



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How to Cite

Kavulya, P. W., Muturi, P. W., Rotich, D. G., & Ogollah, D. K. (2018). EFFECT OF CUSTOMER FOCUS STRATEGY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SACCOS IN KENYA. International Journal of Business Strategies, 3(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.47672/ijbs.317


