Human Sensing Meets People Crowd Detection - A Case of Developing Countries


  • Obbo Aggrey
  • Dr. Nabaasa Evarist
  •  Dr. Ariho Pius



People Crowd Detection, Human Sensing, Sensor Networks.


Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine the application of sensors and sensor networks for detection of people crowds in developing cities. This paper discusses unique challenges associated with people crowd detection especially in the urban towns of developing countries and gives a comparative review and analysis of popular human sensing approaches in the detection of people crowds.

Methodology: This study provides a survey and categorization of popular human sensing approaches using literature especially published within the past two decades. The paper then analyzes current human sensing technologies vis-à-vis people crowd detection in developing cities. The respective strengths and shortfalls of various approaches are highlighted. Finally, by means of examples, a comparative analysis of different human sensing categories is carried out.

Findings: The spontaneous, dynamic and chaotic nature of people crowds, together with the poor infrastructural development characteristic of developing economies pose unique challenges to the effectiveness of people crowd detection systems. Although there are advances in crowd detection, most of these are in the area of non-people crowds, while most of the research done on people crowd detection have been on indoor crowd settings. In addition, challenges unique to people crowd detection in developing countries include: scalability and cost of crowd detection systems, security of the detection system infrastructure, confidentiality of subjects being monitored, requirements for incentives and the ability to support passive and real time people crowd detection.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study emphasizes the need for both indoor and outdoor people crowd detection systems appropriate for the needs of developing cities. The study contributes to the body of knowledge since people crowds unlike other types of crowds present a unique set of challenges that call for special attention.


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Author Biographies

Obbo Aggrey

Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda.

Dr. Nabaasa Evarist

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda.

 Dr. Ariho Pius

Lecturer, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda.


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How to Cite

Obbo , A., Nabaasa , E., & Ariho , P. (2022). Human Sensing Meets People Crowd Detection - A Case of Developing Countries. European Journal of Technology, 6(1), 42–68.


