Technological Factors and Adoption of the Unified Identification System (UIDS) Among Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) In Uganda; A Quantitative Perspective


  • Violah Mpangwire
  • Dr Annabella Habinka Ejiri
  • Dr Fred Kaggwa



Keywords: Technological Factors, UID system Adoption, MDAs in Uganda


Purpose: The study sought to examine the relationship between technological factors and UID system's adoption among MDAs in Uganda.

Methodology: A positivist paradigm and cross-section design were adopted with a sample of 97 MDAs generated from a population of 130 government MDAs. MDAs were stratified and randomly selected from each stratum. The heads of department and permanent secretaries/CEOs formed the unit of inquiry that was purposively selected. Self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended questions aided data collection. Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression techniques were used for data analysis.

Findings: It was established that technological factors are positively associated with the adoption of the UID system among MDAs in Uganda. The study recommends MDAs to address all technological factors to enhance the adoption of the UID system.

Contribution to policy and practice: The study significantly contributes to a large body of knowledge in the adoption of information systems in the public sector that has been less investigated in developing countries like Uganda.


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Author Biographies

Violah Mpangwire


Department of Information systems

Faculty of Computing and Informatics,

Makerere University Business School


Dr Annabella Habinka Ejiri


Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Computing and Informatics,

Mbarara University of Science and Technology


Dr Fred Kaggwa


Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Computing and Informatics,

Mbarara University of Science and Technology



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How to Cite

 Mpangwire, V., Ejiri, A. ., & Kaggwa , F. (2020). Technological Factors and Adoption of the Unified Identification System (UIDS) Among Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) In Uganda; A Quantitative Perspective. European Journal of Technology, 4(1), 1 – 15.


