The Use of Assistive Technology Devices and Its Effects on the Academic Achievement of Pupils with Visual Impairment in Some Inclusive Schools in Bamenda
Purpose: This study aimed at investigating the use of assistive technology devices and its effects on the academic achievement of pupils with visual impairment in some inclusive schools in Bamenda. Three specific objectives were raised: To examine the use of mobile phones, audiobooks and screen magnifiers and its effects on the academic achievement of pupils with visual impairments in inclusive schools within Bamenda. From the objective of the study, research questions were formulated for guidance. Three theories were highlighted; Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory (1936) B.F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning theory (1938), and Lev Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development (1970).
Materials and Methods: The study adopted a mixed method with the concurrent nested research design for data collection. Questionnaire and interview guide instruments were used to measure the effects of assistive technology on academic achievement of pupils in inclusive schools. The researcher used a four range Likert Scale such as Strongly Agree (SA) = 4, Agree (A) = 3, Disagree (D) = 2 and Strongly Disagree (SD) = 1 for the teachers to choose. The questionnaires were structured in closed ended for the teachers and open ended interview guide for the pupils. The responses were analyzed with the used of simple descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages).
Findings: The results from the hypothetical perspective, findings show that, there is a significant effect on the use of assistive technology devices on the academic achievements of pupils with visual impairments in inclusive schools. The use of mobile phones shows that the calculated P-value is less than 0.05and retain the null hypothesis if P-value is greater than 0.005. Findings reveal that, considering the t-value the result are significant (p=0.000). Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative which state that mobile phones has a significant effect on the academic achievements of pupils with visual impairments in inclusive schools in Bamenda with (R Square)=0.268 and p=0.00. Audiobooks significantly affected the academic achievements of pupils with visual impairments, given (R Square)= 0282 and p=0.00. same with a significant positive effect of screen magnifiers with a coefficient determinate of ( R Square)=0.049 and p-0.007.It was concluded that assistive technology devices are useful and a supportive tool for both teachers and learners in the teaching learning process.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy : Recommendations were made to teachers and parents to make efforts to carry out continuous training with adequate knowledge in the use of assistive technology to better equip the learners. The government should subsidize the purchase of assistive device and draw up policies that will affect the implementation of inclusive education hitch free. Furthermore, suggestions for further research were made, asking other researchers to broaden the scope to get a larger sample size.
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