Impact of Industrial Growth on Carbon Capture Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Thomas Sankara



Industrial Growth, Carbon Capture Initiatives


Purpose: The paper's goal is to investigate evaluating the impact of industrial growth on carbon capture initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa

Materials and methods: To give a conceptual overview of the possible applications of big data in decision-making, the study conducts a literature analysis and analyses secondary data.

Findings: The evaluation of industrial growth's impact on carbon capture initiatives (CCIs) in Sub-Saharan Africa shows both potential and challenges. Rapid industrialization has led to higher emissions, but CCI adoption remains limited due to high costs, lack of expertise, and weak infrastructure. While CCIs can reduce emissions, financial barriers and insufficient policy support hinder widespread use. Public-private partnerships and international funding are essential to boost adoption. Governments need to provide subsidies, tax incentives, and clear regulations to encourage investment in CCIs. Additionally, building local expertise is crucial for sustainable deployment.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy:  Pilot projects that demonstrate the cost-benefit ratio of CCIs in major industries would also help validate their feasibility and showcase success stories to encourage wider adoption. Policies should also promote regional cooperation, allowing countries to share resources and technologies, thus reducing the cost burden of CCI implementation.


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How to Cite

Sankara, T. (2024). Impact of Industrial Growth on Carbon Capture Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. European Journal of Technology, 8(5), 44 – 56.


