
  • Fred Wauyo School of Computing and Information Technology Livingstone International University Uganda
  • Edwin Omol Kisii University Kenya
  • James Okumu Technology Livingstone International University Uganda




Business Intelligence Technology (BIT), absorptive capacity, innovative competence of University staffs


Purpose: the purpose of the study was to explore the extent of business intelligence technology on absorptive capacity, the level of innovative competence of University staffs, the relationship between the extent of business intelligence technology, absorptive capacity, the level of innovative competence among University staff, formulated development programs based on the study findings and established profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level and length of service.

Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional survey design guided the study and primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Respondents classified into strata from which they were chosen randomly. The study population was 150 and a sample size of 108 got using sloven's formula for generating sample size. Research data was organized according to research questions and by category of respondents of the study. The results were analyzed using SPSS. The responses to different questions were quantified into frequencies mean, translated into percentages and ranks and presented in tables.

Results: The study revealed the following findings; majority of respondents were male, degree holders and most of the respondents served below 3 years. The extent of business intelligence technology Level ranged from high, moderate to very low, majority of staff's level of innovative competence high and there was a significant relationship between business intelligence technology, absorptive capacity and level of innovative competence and the null hypothesis was rejected.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that the university's top management needs to support the staff in various ways that will not only build their absorptive capacity but improve upon their skills and competencies in preparation for adoption of business intelligence technology (BIT) in the university.


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Author Biographies

Fred Wauyo, School of Computing and Information Technology Livingstone International University Uganda


Edwin Omol, Kisii University Kenya

Research Scholar

James Okumu, Technology Livingstone International University Uganda



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