Network Automation


  • Tayyab Muhammad
  • Muhammad Tahir Munir



Application Stack, Jinja Template, Automation Architecture, Nornir Inventory, Application Flow, Logging, Troubleshooting, Lab Walkthrough, Code Testing, Network Management


Purpose: The article "Network Automation in the Contemporary Economy" explores the concepts and methods of effective network management. The application stack, Jinja template engine, automation architecture, Nornir inventory management, application flow, logging, debugging, and live code testing are just a few of the subjects it covers. Network administrators are more important as digital technologies evolve quickly in order to maintain a safe and dependable network connection. The purpose of this article is to give network administrators the information and abilities they need to successfully traverse the intricacies of network management. It starts by going through the application stack and explaining the roles and relationships between each layer. The Ninja template engine is then described, along with an explanation of how its potent grammar makes network configuration management simple.

Methodology: The research design employed in this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. It involved an extensive literature review to gather existing knowledge on network automation and management practices. Additionally, empirical data was collected through surveys and interviews with network administrators to understand their experiences, challenges, and perspectives on network automation.

Findings: The study found that network automation offers numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, reduced human errors, and enhanced network security. The application stack was identified as a critical component of network architecture, and its proper management can significantly impact network performance. The Jinja template engine proved to be an effective tool for simplifying network configuration tasks and promoting standardization across the network infrastructure.

Recommendations: To policymakers, we recommend investing in training programs and resources to equip network administrators with the necessary skills to implement and manage network automation effectively. Developing clear guidelines and standards for network automation can also help organizations adopt automation practices seamlessly.

Theory: The study was informed by the "Network Automation Theory," which posits that automating network management tasks can streamline operations, enhance reliability, and free up human resources for more strategic initiatives. The theory suggests that proper implementation of automation tools and frameworks can lead to a more agile and resilient network infrastructure. The validation of the theory was achieved through empirical data collected from network administrators and their experiences with network automation. The findings aligned with the propositions of the theory, confirming that network automation indeed brings significant benefits to organizations.

Policy: For policymakers, we propose the formulation of a comprehensive policy framework that encourages the adoption of network automation technologies. The policy should focus on providing financial incentives for businesses to invest in automation tools, fostering partnerships between government and private sectors to promote knowledge exchange, and establishing regulatory guidelines to ensure network security and data privacy in automated environments.

Practice: To network administrators and practitioners, we recommend staying updated with the latest advancements in network automation technologies and tools. Investing time in training and upskilling can help practitioners gain expertise in using automation frameworks like Nornir and Jinja template engine. Additionally, fostering a culture of continuous learning and experimentation within organizations can lead to successful implementations of network automation practices.


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How to Cite

Muhammad, T., & Munir, M. (2023). Network Automation. European Journal of Technology, 7(2), 23–42.


