Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP)


  • Jasmin Praful Bharadiya Doctor of Philosophy Information Technology, University of the Cumberlands, USA



Machine Learning, Transfer Learning (TL), Radio Frequency Machine Learning, Deep Transfer Learning (DTL), Domain Adaptation, Machine Learning, Neural Networks


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to address the limited use of transfer learning techniques in radio frequency machine learning and to propose a customized taxonomy for radio frequency applications. The aim is to enable performance gains, improved generalization, and cost-effective training data solutions in this specific domain.

Methodology: The research design employed in this study involves a comprehensive review of existing literature on transfer learning in radio frequency machine learning. The researchers collected relevant papers from reputable sources and analyzed them to identify patterns, trends, and insights. The method of data collection primarily relied on examining and synthesizing existing literature. Data analysis involved identifying key findings and developing a customized taxonomy for radio frequency applications.

Findings: The study's findings highlight the limited utilization of transfer learning techniques in radio frequency machine learning. While transfer learning has shown significant performance improvements in computer vision and natural language processing, its potential in the wireless communications domain has yet to be fully explored. The customized taxonomy proposed in this study provides a consistent framework for analyzing and comparing existing and future efforts in this field.

Recommendations: Based on the findings, the study recommends further research and experimentation to explore the potential of transfer learning techniques in radio frequency machine learning. This includes investigating performance gains, improving generalization capabilities, and addressing concerns related to training data costs. Additionally, collaborations between researchers and practitioners in the field are encouraged to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster innovation. Practice: To practitioners in the field of radio frequency machine learning, this study emphasizes the potential benefits of incorporating transfer learning techniques. It encourages practitioners to explore the application of transfer learning in their specific domain, leveraging prior knowledge to enhance performance and address training data challenges. It also highlights the importance of staying informed about the latest developments and collaborating with experts in the field. Policy: To policy makers, the study underscores the need for supportive policies that promote research and development in radio frequency machine learning. It recommends creating an environment that fosters innovation, encourages collaborations between academia and industry, and provides resources and incentives for further exploration of transfer learning techniques. Policy makers should consider the potential impact of transfer learning on the wireless communications industry and support initiatives that enhance its adoption and implementation.



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Author Biography

Jasmin Praful Bharadiya, Doctor of Philosophy Information Technology, University of the Cumberlands, USA




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How to Cite

Bharadiya, J. . (2023). Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP). European Journal of Technology, 7(2), 26–35.


