
  • Dr Wiliam Kouame Yobou Ph.D
  • Ahouman Zahoua Roland



Impulsive, Ecommerce, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.


Purpose: This study concentrated on the adoption of e-commerce platforms base on impulsive buying behaviour, using technology for sustainable development of governments' institutions, small medium enterprises and individual consumers or customers in Abidjan.

Methodology: The research adopted a Quantitative approach and the data collection instrument used in this study is the survey questionnaire. The focus in this research was on the buyer (the individual who is involved in any buying and selling of goods over the internet). Therefore, the set of questionnaires was administered to users of e-commerce in Abidjan-Cote d'Ivoire. The survey questions were developed based on an adaptation process of e-commerce envisaged in our proposed framework. Data was gathered from April, 2020 through September, 2020 and convenient sampling technique was used. In this quantitative case study, a total of 523 questionnaires were administered randomly among users of e-commerce in Abidjan. The users cut across all walks of life and private organizations. The organizations within a particular sector were randomly selected but with fair coverage and representation with only one commonality, i.e. they're all having some form of secular education at a level. Out of the 523 questionnaires distributed, 500 of the questionnaires were returned which represents 95.6% of the total number administered in this particular study.

Findings: As regards to the results, Impulsive buying behavior constructs have a significant relationship with Ecommerce adoption strategy with behavioral intention to adopt Ecommerce as a moderator. Unfortunately, no significant relationships were found between social influence, perceived awareness/education and experience with respect to behavioral intention to adopt e-commerce. Therefore, most of the model fit indices in this research obtained after an extensive modeling and improvements with covariance was however below the optimal requirement. It is concluded that this model is not a very good fit to describe the factors affecting the behavioral intention to adopt e-commerce.

Recommendation: This model can be recommended for more research in the future because the proposed model requires further testing and thorough empirical validation.


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Author Biographies

Dr Wiliam Kouame Yobou Ph.D

Institute of Science and Technology of Communication (ISTC) Polytechnic, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

Ahouman Zahoua Roland

Virtual University of Côte d'Ivoire


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How to Cite

Yobou , W. K. ., & Ahouman, . Z. R. (2022). ADOPTING E-COMMERCE PLATFORMS IN ABIDJAN (CÔTE D’IVOIRE) BASED ON IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR THEORY. European Journal of Technology, 6(2), 1–15.


