Postmodernism and Popular Culture


  • Hareem Ahmad Foundation University School of Science and Technology Rawalpindi



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Purpose: This research examines postmodernism's influence in social and political change and its relationship to popular culture. It examines how postmodernism changed media studies, cultural anthropology, gender studies, and youth culture. This study seeks to address gaps in our knowledge by analyzing how postmodern notions promote a more flexible cultural analysis and challenge traditional identity and representation theories.

Materials and Methods: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Walter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, and Angela McRobbie are among the postmodernists and cultural theorists explored in the book. Ethnographic, empirical, political, feminist, and cultural studies are used to study popular culture's evolution. This multidisciplinary research examines fashion, media, and moral panics in current youth culture to analyse cultural shifts.

Findings: Postmodernism makes individuals doubt their beliefs, which fractures and changes their identities, according to the research. It concludes that cultural studies must remain flexible and unrigorous to address current social and political issues. The study shows that postmodernism has changed youth culture, media consumption, and gender relations. Additionally, it examines how famous cultural theorists have affected postmodernism and mainstream media discourse.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Cultural studies must evolve to keep up with postmodern society's changing dynamics, according to study. It claims that empirical and interdisciplinary research are needed to understand cultural changes. It also invites cultural experts to investigate popular culture more openly and flexibly and reevaluate feminist theory in postmodern contexts.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, H. (2025). Postmodernism and Popular Culture. European Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion, 9(1), 1 – 9.


