Strategies Used by Adolescents to Curb Adolescent Pregnancy and Abortion: An Integrative Review
Curbing Strategy, Adolescent, Adolescent Pregnancy, Adolescent Abortion, Integrative ReviewAbstract
Purpose: In spite growing recent attention on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), there is persistently high prevalence of adolescent pregnancy and abortion (ADOPA) & related consequences. Thus, this integrative literature review on “Strategies used by Adolescents to curb adolescent pregnancy and abortion” from 2000-2020. The general objective was to assess existing strategies used by Adolescents (ADOs) to curb ADOPA with the purpose of creating a better understanding it.
Materials and Methods: An integrative review was carried out using the theoretical model Toronto and Remington (2020). The review question was formulated, 75 included studies sourced from 9 data bases & others were systematically selected, reviewed guided by PRISMA, & their quality appraised by best fit standard tools. An inductive thematic analysis with mixed-methods synthesis was then done.
Findings: As key results, 65.3% (49) of studies were primary empirical & 34.7% (26) systematic review. Based on review questions, two main strategies were identified: research & outreach programs. Research implementation strategic component (IMSTRATCOM) was mainly Sexual and reproductive education (SRE). Six major strategies of outreach programs were identified constituting 35 specific programs. Most were complementary & multifaceted in their IMSTRATCOM. They include with components (in bracket) Sex & STIs/HIV Education (SRE); Protocols for Health Clinic Appointments & Supportive Activities (Curriculum development (CUD), SRE, Case management, peer educator training, employment & leadership, Collaboration, increasing access to RH services); Service Learning (CUD, SRE, peer monitoring, social worker supervision, Field work); Healing & Restauration (SRE, Coaching & resource referral, group therapy & Parent participation); Collaborative approach (CSE, community support & engagement, Increasing access to RH services); and Child Development & Aid/Motivation (cash transfers, school uniforms & contraception provision, paid employment, medical care, services to parents & community). Limitations of research & outreach programs were similar & include methodology problems; no stratification of ADOs in intervention & results; mostly late ADOs & females involved. Strategies exist that can successfully curb ADOPA. However, variability in study populations, interventions & outcomes, & paucity of studies for comparison renders difficult reliable conclusion on most effective strategy.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: High-quality research with their evaluation considering multicomponent be done; and permanent institutions for support of ASRH projects established.
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