Climate Change Health Impacts: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis


  • David Banahene



Climate, Natural Disasters Management, Global Warming, Health Behavior, Public Health


Purpose: This meta-analysis aims to thoroughly investigate the intricate connection between climate change and health outcomes in the United States.

Materials and Methods: Employing systematic methods, the study integrates data from reputable sources to present a comprehensive summary of the diverse health effects associated with climate change.

Findings: Following APA6 style guidelines, the article delves into the multifaceted impacts of climate change on health, encompassing temperature-related effects, extreme weather events, air quality, waterborne diseases, mental health implications, and the vulnerability of specific populations.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Based on the findings, the study provides recommendations for policymakers and public health practitioners to address the health challenges posed by climate change.


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How to Cite

Banahene, D. . (2024). Climate Change Health Impacts: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. European Journal of Health Sciences, 10(1), 48–57.