Evaluating the Bioactive Compounds of Beetroot and Their Pharmacological Activities in Promoting Health
Beetroot, Bioactive Compounds, Betalain, Anti-Oxidant Potential, Health Benefits, Non-Synthetic Food Additive, Food Applications [Q18, O13, & I15]Abstract
Purpose: Lifestyle modification and sedentary life have led to multiple comorbidities which necessitate exploitation of underutilized novel ingredients in daily life. This comprehensive review aimed at providing valuable insight into the diverse pharmacological activities of beetroot bioactive compounds and their health enhancing properties. Furthermore, this review explored emerging research by scientific community for utilization of beetroot in the development of novel functional food products.
Materials and Methods: The scientific studies focusing on the biological activity and therapeutic potential of beetroot for health parameters were included in this study. Database search was made using google scholar, PubMed and research gate which generated a total of 200 papers. Out of which, only 63 met the inclusion criteria of this study. Inclusion criteria included literature focusing on beetroot's bioavailability, plant pigments, bioactive compounds, health benefits, as well as studies describing food applications. This review includes studies between 2014 and 2023.
Findings: The main findings suggested that a prominent bioactive compound and natural betalain pigment in beetroot, exhibits potential anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-depressive properties. The anti-oxidant activity of betalain is effective against oxidative stress and play a role in preventing and mitigating chronic diseases. Bioactive components including, nitrate content, betanin and betacyanin, potentially modulate blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health. Furthermore, beetroot derived polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals contribute to bone health, immune function and overall well-being. Food product development based studies demonstrate an overall improvement in the nutritional and sensory profile.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Further research on bioactive components of multiple varieties of beetroot is recommended to reassess the underlying mechanisms and optimal dosage for unlocking their potential for medicinal, nutraceuticals and dietary interventions. More research is needed by food industrialists and scientists to explore the potential of beetroot pigments as non-synthetic food additives particularly color enhancer in various food formulations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maira Abdul Razzak, Mian Kamran Sharif, Tabana Naz, Muhammad Arham Rauf, Fareeha Shahid, Rameen Shahzad, Roma Saleem, Tahreem Aslam, Aqsa Inam

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