Effectiveness of Cigarette Graphic Warnings in Informing Smokers about the Dangers of Tobacco


  • Otto L. Enyame, Ph.D Assistant Lecturer, University of Buea, Cameroon
  • Genevieve A. Nkeigbeng, MPH Regional Delegation of Public Health, South West Region, Cameroon




Cigarette Smoking, Graphic Warnings, Tobacco.


Purpose: Pictorial cigarette pack warnings are a promising solution for curbing the tobacco epidemic and are considered as one of the most direct, effective and prominent means of communicating with smokers. Over 8,300 Cameroonians are killed by smoking-caused diseases every year with 112 men and 47 women dying every week because of smoking. In a country were 2.3 billion cigarettes were sold in 2016, this study seeks to find out how effective cigarette warning labels are in influencing smokers' intake of cigarette. We sought to assess the effectiveness of cigarette warning labels, to determine if smokers' belief and trust the graphics on cigarette warning labels and if they are directly or indirectly influenced by cigarette warning labels.

Methodology: This study adopted a qualitative research design in order to better understand and illuminate the Effectiveness of Cigarette Warning Labels to smokers. A purposive sample of eighteen (18) cigarette smokers were interviewed

Findings: Our findings point to the fact that there is perceived ineffectiveness of cigarette warning labels, that cigarette smokers don't believe the warning labels are real and there exist a limited influence of cigarette warning labels to smokers. The analysis of our data led to the emergence of three distinct themes:  Perceived ineffectiveness of warning labels; Lack of belief in warning labels; Limited influence of cigarette warning labels to smokers.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: This study was informed by the Trans theoretical Model (TTM) which focuses on the decision-making of smokers and is a model of intentional change. It was observed that smokers may not change their habits quickly and decisively only because of cigarette graphic warnings. Other communication channels especially the media may reinforce cigarette graphic warnings to persuade smokers to quit smoking. This study has implications for programs aimed at reducing the rate of cigarette smoking. Based on the findings, the warning labels appear not be very effective in persuading smokers to quit the deadly practice of smoking.


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How to Cite

Enyame, O. ., & Nkeigbeng, G. . (2023). Effectiveness of Cigarette Graphic Warnings in Informing Smokers about the Dangers of Tobacco. European Journal of Health Sciences, 9(5), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejhs.1720


