Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice towards Alcohol Use and its Related Factors among Regular Users


  • Kashif Kamran Khan
  • Amber Shahzadi



Consumption, consequences, knowledge, attitude, practice.


Background: Extreme and regular use of alcohol may cause the progression of chronic diseases and other serious health issues. Regular alcohol consumption has serious consequences for the health and well-being of those who drink regular additionally, the lives of those around them.

Purpose: Reason for conducting this research study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practice towards alcohol use and its related factors among regular users. It also examined the socio-demographic, drinking and purchasing behavior of the targeted population using alcohol in District Multan and Khanewal.

Methodology: A descriptive study with self-structured questionnaire that represent sample (n = 100) of regular alcohol users in the study area for quantitative analysis and focus group discussions were conducted with regular alcohol users; three focus group discussions involved 4 regular alcohol users and three involved 5 regular alcohol users for qualitative analysis. A total of 100 regular alcohol users took part in the study through convenient sampling after their written informed consent.

Findings: This study illustrated the leading cause of alcohol use-curiosity which indicated 66% of the respondents' preferred to intake 1 to 2 bottles which used to relax their brains. It is quite evident that the regular alcohol users used very cheap alcohol if they had low income. The information among the users was insufficient but the attitude towards alcohol use was positive.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The outcomes ought to be thought of by the concerned departments, decision and policy makers for endorsing the execution of alcohol deterrence approaches especially within the districts and also in the whole country.




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Author Biographies

Kashif Kamran Khan

EQUIP Research & Development Consultants

Amber Shahzadi

EQUIP Research & Development Consultants


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How to Cite

Khan, K. K., & Shahzadi, A. (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice towards Alcohol Use and its Related Factors among Regular Users. European Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3), 14–32.