
  • Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
  • Naveed Ul Haq
  • Ejaz Ul Haq



Partridges, Captive breeding, Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


Purpose: The ex-situ conservation aims to discover new populations or supports the populations that yet survive in the wild. To breed animals in captivity and release them in their natural control habitats is one of the conservation methods. Amongst other species partridges also breed in captivity and can be release in the wild but presently data lacking, need to examine. Chukar partridge, Black francolin and Grey francolin are used for sports hunting in Pakistan. The available record on captive breeding of Chukar partridge, Black francolin and Grey francilin and their release in the wild for the years 2015-2020 was reviewed using a developed questionnaire.

Methodology: Review record of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department Pakistan through a developed questionnaire

Findings: It was found that the maximum number of chukar partridge breed was 36, Black francolin (6) and Grey francolin (24). Out of the breeding stock, Chukar partridges (44) and Grey francolin (28) were released in the wild to its natural habitat by hard release technique.

Unique contribution to the theory, practice and policy: The researchers recommended decrease in dissimilarity of habitat quality between breeding center environment and the release habitat besides providing a pre-release training to the release experts so as to improve habitat selection and survival of captive-bred. This study will help researchers for further in depth study in the area and will also facilitate conservation organization in making captive breeding of partridges as a successful program.

Key words: Partridges, Captive breeding, Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


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Author Biographies

Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel

Conservator Wildlife Northern Circle Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department, Pakistan

Naveed Ul Haq

Deputy Conservator Wildlife Dir Wildlife Division Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department, Pakistan

Ejaz Ul Haq

Sub Divisional Wildlife officer Dir Lower Wildlife Sub Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department Pakistan


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