
  • Joshua Saiyanka Richard Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Wilson Muna Kenyatta University




Budgeting forums, service delivery, Sector Working Groups, Economic Forum


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of county budgeting forums on service delivery in Kenya: the case of Kajiado County government.  The objectives of this study were: to analyze the effect of Sector Working Groups on delivery of services in Kajiado County; to establish the effect of County Budget and Economic Forum on service delivery in Kajiado County; to determine the effect of Pre-Budget Public Sector Consultative Forum on service delivery in Kajiado County; to determine the effect of Budget and Appropriations Committee Hearings on delivery of services in Kajiado County.  The target population for this study was those members of the public and employees who had participated in county budgeting for the past three financial years from which the sample size will be selected.  The study used stratified and random sampling techniques to select a sample size of 107 individuals representing 12% of the accessible population of 889 persons. The study used interview schedules and self-administered questionnaires with both structured and unstructured questions to collect primary data. This study also used secondary data that was obtained through document review of government documents and reports. Quantitative data from the questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data collected through interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed that the respondents were extremely dissatisfied with accessibility, efficiency, accountability, inclusivity, responsiveness and quality of the services delivered to them by the county government of Kajiado. The findings further indicated that Sector Working Groups did not have a significant effect on service delivery in Kajiado County while County Budget and Economic Forum, Pre-Budget Public Sector Consultative Forum and Budget and Appropriations Committee Hearings had a positive effect on delivery of services in Kajiado County.  The study recommended that county officials should provide adequate budget information to the public and enhance their participation in the budget making and policy formulation as well as induct members on their roles and mandate in matters related to public participation in budgeting forums.


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Author Biographies

Joshua Saiyanka Richard, Kenyatta University

Post graduate student

Dr. Wilson Muna, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Richard, J. S., & Muna, D. W. (2018). EFFECTS OF COUNTY BUDGETING FORUMS ON SERVICE DELIVERY IN KENYA: THE CASE OF KAJIADO COUNTY. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.47672/ajppa.366


