Dynamics and Complexities of Forming the Executive Office: Analysis of Kenya's Cabinet 1963 - 2018


  • Joshua Michael Daniel Otieno Kenyatta University
  • Wilson Muna Kenyatta University




Cabinet ministers, Constitution of Kenya, Gender, Ethnicity, Politics, and Competence


For any government, formation and selection of executive office is influenced by myriads of factors and considerations, defined by both national and global dynamics. Although the Constitution of Kenya (CoK, 2010) offers guiding principles on design of the Cabinet, its current formation and structure remains under contention.  This study analyzed; ethnic, gender, size, and individual dynamics that have informed the structure and organization of the Kenyan cabinet. A survey of executive office of the president staff and knowledge experts in politics, public policy and administration was carried out. Semi structured questionnaires were employed and interviews conducted to collect data. This was complemented by secondary data from published books, journals, and archival government documents. The study found that (1) politics in Kenya is highly ethnicized and the most significant determining factor in the making of cabinet; (2) Majority of communities remain historically marginalized and are not represented in the cabinet; (3) Gender parity in cabinet is hampered by strong cultural attitudes on gender roles and the low political influence of women as an electorate. Attitudes of male superiority were found to be prevalent and their leadership preferred; (4) that on average, although cabinet has highly educated members, most of them have not been professionally matched to their respective ministerial portfolio. The study findings could be of interest and benefit to policy makers towards understanding and creating policies guiding organization and structure of government. Ethnicity being a significant feature of Kenyan politics we propose cultivation of diversity towards "˜real' inclusivity by equitable national resource distribution.


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Author Biographies

Joshua Michael Daniel Otieno, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student

Wilson Muna, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Daniel Otieno, J. M., & Muna, W. (2018). Dynamics and Complexities of Forming the Executive Office: Analysis of Kenya’s Cabinet 1963 - 2018. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.47672/ajppa.364


