Assessing Challenges to Solid Waste Management in Urban Local Authorities in Uganda: A Case Study of Arua Municipality
Solid Waste Management, Urban Local Authorities, Arua MunicipalityAbstract
Purpose: Waste generation is associated with and comes with human activities and as such, waste management is an issue which should be shared by every individual, community, organisation or Country worldwide. Depending on climate, life style and behavioural differences, level of industrialisation, available waste management programmers and economic incentives, the problem of waste generation and its management continues to be a major environmental problem in urban centres worldwide. This Paper attempts to assess the Challenges to Solid Waste Management in Urban Local Authorities in Uganda with specific reference to Arua Municipality in North Western Uganda. A Case study design was used.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 391 respondents was selected out of a Target population of 7,881 which included; Heads of Households, Business Operators, Elected leaders, Heads of Departments and Solid waste Collectors. The Methods for data collection adopted were Questionnaires, Interviews, Observation and Documentary Review. The Researcher used Regression Technique for data analysis.
Findings: The study findings showed that, urban population growth had an inverse relationship with solid waste management while funding had a positive significant effect on solid waste management. The study further found out that, urban population behaviour had a negative relationship with solid waste management.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: From these findings the researcher concluded that lack of waste segregation; inadequate facilities and equipment, lack of legislation and bye-laws, and ineffective enforcement are among the major challenges to solid waste management in Arua Municipality. Based on the above findings, the researcher recommends the following; Solid waste segregation (separation), enforcement, legislations and bye-laws, provision of adequate solid waste management facilities and equipment and training/Capacity building programmes on solid waste management. The study findings will help policy makers in formulating sustainable solid waste management policies and designing appropriate methods of managing solid waste in urban Local Authorities. The study findings will help raise awareness on issues pertaining to solid waste management at community level. This awareness will help build initiatives to reduce the solid waste management problem in Arua Municipality. The study will further contribute to the body of knowledge on the studies already conducted on solid waste management in developing countries.
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