Stakeholder's Involvement Practices and Devolved Administrative Structures in Selected Semi-Arid Counties in Kenya


  • Dr. Andrew Shangarai Jumanne (Ph.D); Graduand Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Dr. Jane Njoroge (Ph.D) Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Dr. Edna Jemutai Moi (Ph.D) Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya



Strategic Leadership Practices, Stakeholder Involvement, Devolved Administrative Structures, Taveta and Makueni Counties.


Purpose: The existence of devolved administrative structures is critical in protecting public officials from abusing power. It is therefore essential to ensure that there is effective implementation and operation of these structures in Kenya now that devolution has been introduced. So far, the underlying cause of inadequate service delivery has been poor operationalization of structures in these devolved administrative entities that has been caused by ineffective managerial practices. The objective of the study intended to bridge the existing gap by establishing the scope of stakeholder involvement when it comes to devolved administrative structures; the effect of on the relationship of the stakeholder's involvement on devolved administrative structures.

Methodology: The study utilized Institutional Theory, which depicts an institution as networks that rely upon each other to build up unified systems that concern shared reliance. Target population was 500 participants from Taveta and Makueni counties. Purposive and Stratified Random Sampling techniques were utilized, where a sample ofi223 was drawn from the Target population. The design deployed in the study was descriptive research that sought to produce answers to phenomenon's questions. Data was presented using tables and narrations.

Findings: The instrument's reliability was tested using Cronbach's Alpha reliability of 0.7 that which was acceptably reliable. Quantitative and qualitative analytical methods were used, as data was coded in SPSS and analysed using the STATA. Multiple Linear Regression was used to test the effects of stakeholders' involvement practices on the devolved administrative structures. Objectively, it was found that, a significant relationship existed between stakeholders' involvement practices and devolved administrative structures.

Recommendations: The study recommends that major decision-making processes adhere to prescribed guidelines and be guided by proper behaviour and clear principles.


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How to Cite

Jumanne, A. ., Njoroge , J. ., & Moi, E. (2023). Stakeholder’s Involvement Practices and Devolved Administrative Structures in Selected Semi-Arid Counties in Kenya. American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 8(4), 1–33.


