Work Environment, Human Resource Practices, and Organizational Culture: A Causal Model on Service Quality of Employees in Government Agency in Davao Region
Public Administration, DENR Employees, Work Environment, Human Resource Practices, Organizational Culture, Service Quality, SEM, PhilippinesAbstract
Purpose: This quantitative, non-experimental study aimed to establish the best-fit structural model for the service quality of employees in a national government agency, with a specific focus on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the Davao Region. Its significance lies in contributing to the existing body of knowledge in the field of public administration, leading to a more efficient and effective delivery of public services. Examining the relationship between factors such as the work environment, human resource practices, and organizational culture concerning service quality, this study builds upon the conclusions drawn from international research, which has investigated these factors in other countries but has yet to address the specific context of the Philippines, particularly in the Davao Region. Therefore, this study would address the gap by examining these relationships in the local context, contributing valuable insights to the literature on service quality in the Philippines.
Methodology: A standardized instrument, administered through the Google platform, was used to survey 400 rank-and-file employees selected via stratified sampling in the Davao Region. The data collected were analyzed using statistical methods, including mean and standard deviation calculations, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression, and structural equation modeling (SEM).
Findings: The study revealed that the service quality (dependent variable) was very high, while the work environment, human resource practices, and organizational culture (independent variables) were all at high levels. A Pearson correlation analysis unveiled a statistically significant and positively correlated relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Multiple regression analysis indicated that work environment, human resource practices, and organizational culture influence service quality. Moreover, organizational culture was found to be the best influencer of service quality of employees. Significantly, Model 5 emerges as the most fitting structural model for assessing service quality. The model demonstrated the direct influence of the work environment on service quality. Additionally, the SEM model identified specific variables that can predict service quality: training and development and evaluation and supervision (for human resource practices), physical and social work environment (for work environment), and adaptability, consistency, and involvement (for organizational culture).
Recommendations: Therefore, the discoveries from this study offer valuable insights with direct relevance to policymakers and managers seeking to improve service quality in national government agencies.
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