Exploring the Distinctions between Dismissal and Termination Under Ghanaian Labour Law: Insights from the George Akpass Case


  • Kwame Yaro Appiah
  • Kwame Richard Klu




Purpose: This paper delves into the nuanced distinctions between dismissal and termination under Ghanaian Labour Law, drawing insights from the notable George Akpass case. With an analytical focus on the legal implications and procedural disparities between these employment termination practices, the study aims to provide clarity on the terminological and jurisprudential nuances that surround employment cessation in Ghana.

Materials and Methods: By examining the specifics of the George Akpass case, this paper contributes valuable insights to the broader discourse on employment law, shedding light on the implications for employers, employees, and the legal framework governing the employer-employee relationship in Ghana.    

Findings: Going through the legal maize to this point leads us to the conclusion that, Pwamang JSC's position on the question whether there exists any legal distinction(s) between termination and dismissal is apt and corresponds to today's working climate.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: It is our fervent request that Act 651 be amended to provide trite distinctions between dismissal and termination.    


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How to Cite

Appiah, . . . . . K. Y. ., & Klu, K. R. . (2024). Exploring the Distinctions between Dismissal and Termination Under Ghanaian Labour Law: Insights from the George Akpass Case. American Journal of Law, 6(1), 26–38. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajl.1739