Plastic Waste Regime in Rwanda, Kenya and South Africa: A Comparative Case Study
Plastic waste, Legal Framework, Single-use plastics, Plastic banAbstract
Purpose: Plastic waste has become a major environmental concern worldwide, posing significant challenges to ecosystems, human health, and sustainable development. This case study explores the plastic waste regimes in three African countries: Rwanda, Kenya and South Africa. By examining these countries' policies, strategies, and initiatives, the study aims to highlight their approaches to managing plastic waste and draw lessons for effective waste management practices.
Methodology: The case study utilises a comparative analysis framework to identify similarities and differences in the plastic waste regimes of the three countries. It examines the regulatory frameworks, waste management infrastructure, public awareness campaigns, and recycling initiatives implemented in each country.Furthermore, the study delves into plastic waste's socio-economic and environmental impacts and evaluates the effectiveness of the measures taken to address the issue.
Findings: Findings demonstrate that Kenya, Rwanda, and South Africa have adopted diverse strategies to tackle plastic waste. Rwanda has established a comprehensive waste management system emphasising recycling and community engagement, while Kenya has implemented a ban on plastic bags. South Africa, on the other hand, has embraced extended producer responsibility and developed a recycling infrastructure. These strategies have led to varying degrees of success in reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices. An examination of the challenges faced by each country revealed factors such as inadequate waste infrastructure, limited resources, and the need for behavioural change among citizens. It also identified the role of stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, in driving plastic waste management initiatives.
Recommendations: Finally, relying on the substantive legitimacy theory, the study provides recommendations based on the acceptability of the policies and best practices observed in the case countries. These include investment in waste management infrastructure, public education and awareness campaigns, and stakeholder collaboration. Countries can effectively address the plastic waste challenge by adopting an integrated approach that combines policy interventions, infrastructure development, and behavioural change. Overall, this case study contributes to the understanding of plastic waste management in Rwanda, Kenya and South Africa, shedding light on successful strategies and areas for improvement. It emphasises the importance of a holistic and collaborative approach to create sustainable plastic waste regimes that protect the environment, promote circular economy principles, and safeguard public health.
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